Dr. Dhote - 1940
Dr. R. K. Dhote, born in a village near Nagpur,always had a strong desire to contribute to society’s health and welfare, and initially set out to be a surgeon.As a medical student he joined India’s freedom movement and had to endure imprisonment along with other freedom fighters.
Pharmaceutical production was wholly dominated by foreign companies.
In 1946 Doctor Saheb (as he was affectionately known) decides to make an attempt at pharmaceutical self-reliance, and establishes Alta.
Independence of modern India.

Salicylic Acid - 1950
First in the country to indigenously develop Salicylic Acid.Manufacturing at our plant in Khopoli commences.
Manufacturing of patent drugs begins.
Alta manufactures finished formulations including the cough syrup Kofnol,which gained notable patronage from the medical world.
A productive collaboration with Monsanto Chemicals begins.

Lona Industries - 1960
Lona Industries is established by Dr. Dhote as a way to diversify into pigments and dyes, and support Alta during the price control regime.Only company east of the Suez Canal operating a sublimation unit from Wyssmont, for the purification of Salicylic Acid.
Significant Expansion in capacities.

Export Division - 1970
Alta starts manufacturing PHBA and Paraben esters, which are still today considered the best quality parabens in the market.In-house Export Division is established as Alta and the group grow into many international markets.
Untimely demise of Dr. R. K. Dhote.